Friday, October 16, 2015

6 Reasons Smoothies Are The Best Breakfast Food Choice!

healthy weight loss smoothie recipe

Why is it that we are hearing more and more people talk about smoothies and juicing? It's simple, its because smoothies and/or juicing are both good for you and easy to do so we are seeing many more people join in the fun! Keep in mind these are only 6 of what I feel are the most important reasons to started having smoothies are part of your families diet ASAP!

These are some of the more common benefits and reasons to drink smoothies on a regular basis. There are so many more benefits than just this!

6 Reasons You Should Consume Healthy Smoothies On A Regular Basis:

1. Quick And Easy Meals -  Smoothies are great as a breakfast food. Making a smoothie that is healthy is often much quicker than most convenient fast breakfast foods. With something like a Nutribullet, you can just separate smoothies into sandwich sized zip loc bags and freeze them for another day! It's extremely convenient. Any blender will work, I just find the design of the Nutribullet to be extremely convenient to blend with easy cleanup.

2. Get The Vitamins And Nutrients Your Family Needs -  Let's admit it, many of us think we eat healthy, but we really don't. All too often we counter all the good eating we did by eating something that is terrible for us. It's part of being human, at least in America. Healthy smoothies help make it much easier to get the full amount of vitamins and nutrients that we are supposed to get daily. Not to mention they taste great!

3. Kids Love Smoothies! - Ever try to get your kids to eat vegetables? Probably had trouble especially with the green ones? Yeah, that's normal. Kids often don't want to eat anything that's good for them once the devil shows them the sweetness of sugar. No, I am joking about the devil, but once kids taste sugar they want nothing but that! Smoothies give them natural sugar from within the fruit and it sneaks them all that "healthiness" that they refuse when they don't want to eat your vegetables you cook! 

4. Build Them How You Want - If you are not just dieting, and doing hard core exercise then maybe you want to make protein smoothies. You can! With supplements like Organic Chocolate Flavored Protein Powder you can pack your smoothies full of protein. If you are detoxing, then you can focus on a diet consisting of  high antioxidant detoxing foods. If you want more sweet you can add natural sweeteners such as honey, or agave nectar. It's easy to change some recipes just a little bit and come up with your own delicious recipes.

5. Easy Weight Loss In A Healthy Way - In this day and people are under the impression that money can buy you everything. Everyone knows money doesn't buy love, and it doesn't buy health, contrary to what some might believe. Many consumers think you can just spend some money and get some magical weight loss plan that will get you to your goal. Many consumers then find that the products often don't work for everyone, if anyone at all, and continue a cycle of trying a new "miracle weight loss plan" and trying again. Many of these plans can have unwanted side effects. Make sure you research any diets, or products before you actually start a regimen.  With smoothies you have to worry of basically only 2 things. Organic smoothies or not, and fresh or frozen fruit?  It's easy and healthy, why the heck not?

6. Smoothies Are Friggin' Delcious! - People pay good money for smoothies at any food service place. And those smoothies have often have a bunch of extra junk put into them that you don't need. At home you get to pick your fruits and try combinations until you find exactly what you like and what works for you. Personally I love all sorts of smoothies and I find myself often making strawberry, banana, and kiwi. There is just something about that combination. You could go on and on about the benefits to consuming fresh fruit and vegetables rather than empty carbs and bad sugars and fats. I hope this list gives you enough reason to try them as breakfast for a week and see how you feel! Leave comments below of your favorite fruit combinations and/or ingredients. Thank you!

Friday, June 12, 2015

3 Healthy Green Smoothies For Rapid Weight Loss

3 Healthy Green Smoothies For Rapid Weight Loss

How To Make A Green Smoothie Healthy

If you want your smoothie to be healthy and nutritious, keep the alkalizing greens dominant(60-80%). Realize that these greens shouldn't ever trade off the taste. Get them in, cover them up a little with some low to medium GI leafy foods and a few tasty supplements, and both your stomach and your palette will be pleased. 

Simple, neutral tasting greens like romaine and spinach. Begin with these and you will probably love them and use them constantly! Other fun greens to play with include kale, collard greens (stems uprooted), better/red/green lettuce, fennel, celery, cucumber and herbs (cilantro, mint and parsley — in smaller amounts). If you find a certain green to be overpowering in your smoothie then substitute with something like romaine or spinach. Drink smoothies daily with your other meals being healthy and you would be surprised how fast you can shed unwanted weight!

1. Spinach Mango Oat Smoothie


  • 2 cups fresh spinach
  • 1 ½ cups water
  • 2 cups frozen mango
  • 1 orange, peeled
  • ¼ cup rolled oats

Add all ingredients and blend 30-45 seconds. You can add ice cubes for a long lasting frozen smoothie.

2. Kale Celery Grapefruit Pineapple Smoothie


  • 2 cups fresh kale
  • 1 cup water
  • 2 large stalks of celery, chopped
  • ½ cucumber, chopped
  • ⅓ grapefruit
  • 1 cup frozen pineapple

Add all ingredients and blend 30-45 seconds. You can add ice cubes for a long lasting frozen smoothie.

3. Peach Coconut Green Smoothie

  • 2 cups spinach
  • 2 cups coconut milk
  • 2 cups sliced peaches*
  • 1 orange, peeled


1. Blend spinach and coconut milk until smooth.

2. Add remaining ingredients, and blend until smooth. Enjoy!

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Easy Blueberry Banana Milk Smoothie For Weight Loss

blueberry banana smoothie recipe
Organic fruit smoothies can be a simple and convenient approach to support your body with essential vitamins and nutrients. The most ideal approach is to know the fixings in your smoothie make the smoothies homemade with as many natural organic ingredients as possible. Everything you need is a blender, natural,organic fruits of your choosing, and something to add a little bit of liquid consistency like milk or yogurt. Making your own smoothies can help keep organic product from going to waste, while giving advantages that will keep steering you towards great health and well being!

Sweet Blueberry Banana Milk Smoothie - Serves 4 (makes approximately 72 ounces)

  • 3 large bananas, frozen
  • 2 cups blueberries, frozen
  • 2 cups 2% milk, divided
  • 2 tablespoons natural honey


In a blender process bananas until they separate to pea size bits of slightly frozen banana, add 1 cup milk and mix until combined. You may need to take a spoon and push the smoothie mixture down a couple times. Now add blueberries and remaining 1 cup of milk and mix until thick and smooth. Include agave nectar or honey and pulse it a couple times to mix well. Serve and enjoy!